If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident and were seriously injured, then you’re going to be wondering how long it will be before you recover. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to that question. Everyone recovers from their injuries differently, but it can be assumed that your recovery will take longer if your injuries are serious.
Examples of serious injuries in a motorcycle accident include:
- Broken bones
- Lacerations
- Back injuries
- Neck injuries
A serious injury like a broken bone can take months to fully recover. What is important is that you follow your doctor’s instructions as closely to the letter as you can. If you have any questions about their instructions or what you can do next to improve your odds of a swift recovery, then you should reach out to them immediately.
Permanent Motorcycle accident Injuries
Some motorcycle accident injuries will never heal fully, though. Head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and road rash are all injuries that are both common and permanent. Once such an injury is no longer expected to improve with the best medical care and an unlimited amount of recovery time, the rider is said to have reached their maximum medical improvement (MMI). An injury claimant’s MMI is important because, once it is reached, it becomes easier to understand just how much compensation they will be owed by the liable party.
If you have questions about what compensation you can demand after being in a motorcycle accident in Ohio, please contact Murray & Murray. Our attorneys proudly represent wrongfully injured motorcyclists in our communities.