Truck Driver Negligence
Sandusky Truck Driver Negligence Claims Lawyers
Behind most truck accidents is one common cause: truck driver negligence. If you were blindsided by a commercial truck while driving along the highways of Ohio or even through your hometown of Sandusky, Murray & Murray wants to know about it. Using our decades of collective legal experience, we can investigate the details behind your crash to look for proof that a trucker’s mistakes caused the collision.
Our objective is minimizing your liability to maximize the amount of compensation you can receive for your damages. By the time your case concludes, we hope to secure 100% of your economic damages and additional noneconomic damages for your pain and suffering.
Dial (419) 664-3711 today and speak with a Murray about your case.
Negligence on Behalf of Truck Drivers
Knowing that they are controlling multi-ton vehicles, truck drivers need to exercise even more precautions behind the wheel than the average motorist. There is practically no margin for error and no excuse for negligence that causes a collision. Ever since our law firm first opened in 1931, we have gained a strong familiarity with various types of truck accident cases, allowing us to quickly get to the proof of negligence and liability.
Forms of truck driver negligence that might be present in your claim:
- Exhaustion: Truck drivers can be scheduled for 14-hour days, which can get exhausting. The decision to drive while fatigued still falls upon the individual trucker, who should pull over to rest or sleep once they start feeling too tired to safely drive.
- Intoxication: No truck driver should ever drink on the job, yet it happens. Any amount of alcohol detectable in their system after a truck accident can significantly spike a trucker’s liability.
- Speeding: Trying to complete routes faster may tempt some truckers into exceeding posted speed limits. Not only is speeding illegal, it is extremely negligence, especially when considering that a truck might be hauling tons of cargo.
- Unsecured cargo: The freight being hauled by a tractor-trailer needs to be secured before a truck driver hits the road. Although load crews might be accountable for loading cargo, it is still the trucker’s responsibility to inspect the cargo for any issues.
- Vehicle defects: Some truck drivers own their own vehicles and lease them under the agreement that they will maintain and repair them as needed. Failing to perform routine maintenance is a subtle yet severe form of negligence.
Can a Truck Driver Be Held Individually Liable?
When you get into a car accident with another motorist, you do not want to file your claim against that motorist in particular. Instead, you want it to be answered by their insurance company, which should be much more capable of paying your damages than the average person can. With this in mind, can and should an individual truck driver be held liable for your accident, rather than their parent trucking company?
With Murray & Murray in Sandusky handling your claim, you can leave all questions about who should answer for your truck accident to us. In some cases, an individual truck driver who causes a crash might be the only liable party. If this happens, they could still be represented by their own insurance provider. Or we may find it would be best to bring their parent trucking company into the claim if there is ample evidence to suggest they are at least partially liable for your crash.
While we get to work on sorting out all the details of your truck driver negligence claim, we want you to focus on your recovery and rest. You have already dealt with plenty. Do not add legalese and casework on top of it all, not when you could have our lawyers manage it for you.
We would like to hear from you. Please call our firm at (419) 664-3711 today.

Bad Injury? Great Lawyers!
Ohio Expertise, National Excellence.
Charles M. Murray"No different than most kids, I dreamt of being a hero as a child—and there was no bigger hero in my life than my father. He often told us stories about the people who were relying on him to resolve their tragedies; I always knew that was the kind of person I wanted to be."
Margaret M. Murray"I work to be an advocate for my clients and help them in the best and most meaningful way possible. Presenting a case to the court and having the clients understand just how much we care about their very personal and individual claims is very important to me."
James L. Murray"The relationships with my clients are built through hours of listening and working together. That is what makes my job worthwhile. It is a great thrill when I get to tell clients that we’ve won a case and that they will be able to rebuild or improve their lives as a result of our hard work together."
Florence A. Murray"Fairness has always been my driving force—knowing that no one ever deserves or wants to be in a situation where they need an attorney. I believe that one of the greatest joys in life is interacting with and helping other people, and it’s this knowledge that I take with me to my practice every day."